Saturday, June 8, 2024

I Am Angry, Sick and Tired

 I wrote this poem on November 1, 2023, in response to Hamas's unconscionable attack on Israel, October 7, 2023--GF


Of the incessant, ongoing carnage

in the Middle East, this time in

the latest round of violence

between Hamas and Israel,

violence first promulgated by

the atrocities of Hamas against

Israelis on October 7, 2023, and

inevitably followed by the

retaliatory violence inflicted

against the Hamas stronghold of

Gaza, where innocent civilians are

held hostage by this Islamofascist

nightmare of an organization,

same as innocent Israeli Jews and

Arabs had murderous violence inflicted

on them by Hamas in the first place.

Hamas started it, Israel will finish it,

and well-meaning public opinion

calling for a cessation of hostilities

be damned and cast into hell!  

Cast there by intransigence on both sides,

each side held openly captive

by fanatical religious belief

that sees only righteousness on its

side, and regards the other side as

subhuman—as if further proof

were needed that religion poisons everything,

that men (and women) are not good because

of religion, but in spite of religion! 

The whole thing explodes as

an ongoing Greek tragedy, where

impersonal Fate triumphs over the wishes

and caprices of mere humans, whether

they like it or not—because impersonal Fate

cares not what the wishes and caprices of

mere mortals are.  Once again, an endless

spinning wheel of hate, carnage and bloodshed,

all of which leads not to a resolution, but only

to further cyclical irresolution.  “Enough!”

I cry out angrily, but in despair; cry out

in the name of a common humanity

once again thwarted and rendered

powerless in the face of it.  So, thus does it

seem once again, forever, and forever,

                                                world without end, Amen.  Fuck

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