We’ll start out with confession
number one: the two worst persons in my
life were both women, and one of them was—my own mother! Both of them have been written about
previously in “Politically Incorrect Leftist” blogs, this one about my mother
penned by myself appropriately on Mother’s Day:
http://politicallyincorrectleftist.blogspot.com/2011/05/on-mothers-day-for-those-mothers-who.html. The other, on a very sanctimonious,
self-righteous Quaker woman, Jane Haldeman, who was correctly characterized by
a mutual friend of both of us as “abusive, manipulative, emasculating,” was
penned by another mutual friend of ours, John Williams, in the form of a short
story, with names changed, but with personas and events described accurately,
as they had occurred: http://politicallyincorrectleftist.blogspot.com/2011/05/guest-blog-from-my-friend-john-williams.html. I urgently insist that all feminists,
especially those considering themselves left feminists, read these, and
pointedly note, if you don’t it will only be for willful blindness. Though both women are now (thankfully) dead,
their destructive legacies toward me live on, just proving that real women, as opposed to ideological
stereotypes, can be very destructive to men, and though perhaps products, in a
hidebound way, of patriarchy, can be every
bit as destructive as male-dominated, male-generated patriarchy!
Further, and this properly reflects
on my deep-seated atheism, which not only objects to faith in God or in gods,
also pointedly notes the crass immorality, the convenient sinning, the winking
at “divine” moral laws, admonitions, and strictures, of God- or gods-believers
themselves. My mother was Catholic, Jane
Haldeman was Quaker: yet both had an
abiding belief in the Christian God and this God’s supposedly unbreakable and
abiding love for all, which they effectively translated as “I can do whatever I
want, as God, the Indulgent Sugar Daddy in the Sky, will certainly approve of
all that I do.” But both, as the blogs
demonstrate, engaged in behaviors that can only be characterized as immoral,
self-indulgent, cruel, insensitive, and responded to criticism of their
behaviors with indignation and rationalizations!
Confession number two: I am a true feminist, believing and acting
fully in accord with the notion that men and women are equal, deserve equal
rights and protections under law, and have certainly been discriminated against
in the past, some now which continues into the present, and that the harmful
effects of such discrimination must be corrected and alleviated. No one should be invidiously judged and
slighted because of his/her sex or gender.
Equal rights for all. Period. Beyond that, however, I also believe women
are equal to men in these respects as well:
they are every bit as capable as men in venality, stupidity, hypocrisy,
cruelty, insensitivity, abuse, manipulation, special pleading, rationalization
and outright lying, cheating, and every other moral vice as men are, and often
act out such vices, same as men, and often to the same degree or more as men
themselves! They are not angels on a pedestal! Furthermore, women are just as capable and
culpable as men in parental child abuse, including “mere” verbal and emotional
child abuse, as opposed to physical abuse (of which they are also fully
capable, as the incarceration of women attests). In fact, my mother was actually more abusive
toward me than my father, who was also abusive, in this significant regard—as I
knew my father was abusive and not to be trusted, my equally-abusive mother had
a thin veneer of culture and intellect that beguiled me into trusting her, only
to be betrayed by her over and over.
Yes, she differed from my father in being more treacherous, and her
guile in this sucked me into her abusive vortex over and over again!
Then, taking a page from Lenin’s Imperialism, and analogous to his
concept of the comprador bourgeoisie, is the matter of comprador women, women
who, themselves victims of patriarchy, take the attitude of “If you can’t lick
‘em, join ‘em,” and become agents of anti-woman patriarchy as women
themselves! Just as Chiang Kai-shek and
the comprador Chinese under Guomindang rule, themselves victims of anti-Chinese
racism from the Western colonialist powers and the Japanese, became effectively
agents of these same racist powers!
Numerous examples, of course, abound in real life, of whom we might name
just some of the more prominent: Sarah
Palin, Joni Ernst, Ann Coulter, Condoleeza Rice, and all those
supermodel-looking female talking heads on Fox News. Then there were those glass-ceiling-breaking
neoliberal centrist feminists who avidly supported Hillary Clinton in 2016,
even those of avowedly “progressive” and “leftist” credentials such as Joan
Walsh, Amanda Marcotte, and the man-trashing Sady Doyle, who tagged the Bernie
Sanders candidacy as a chauvinistic white male campaign fueled by woman-hating
“Bernie Bros,” and did so in the name of—allegedly “real feminism”! Even going so far as to cavalierly and condescendingly dismiss those women who supported
Bernie Sanders publicly—as did Madeleine Albright, who notably remarked,
“There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other!” (i.e.,
Hillary Clinton); or former feminist icon Gloria Steinem’s (my, how the mighty
have fallen!) dismissal of Bernie-supporting young women being in his campaign
only because “That’s where the boys are,” i.e., they’re just boy-crazy and want
to meet young men!
Confession number three: although feminism has (unevenly, to be sure)
made discussion-worthy and raised individual and societal understanding of
sexism, rape and rape culture, patriarchy, and sexual discrimination and
harassment, its seduction by the siren calls of Postmodernism (a series of
logical and material fallacies searching vainly to establish itself as a true
philosophy), Political Correctness, and intersectionality/identity politics have
only muddled and undermined these understandings, and reduced “sexism,” “rape
and rape culture,” “male privilege,” (I do not like the word “privilege,” as real privilege is
socio-economic—“advantage,” or even better, “comparative advantage,” are much
superior terms) to hyperbolic swear words with which to label anyone who
disagrees with, or even questions, our now massively self-righteous left. This is especially revealing when we “unpack”
(a word used by my former academic advisor) what they really mean as opposed to
what they allegedly mean, and when we discuss what is actually sexism, rape,
rape culture, and patriarchy form what they have come to mean by a most
destructive Political Correctness.
Which brings me to my objection to
#metoo’s “Believe all women.” Even LeAnn
Tweeden? Or maybe precisely, don’t
believe LeeAnn Tweeden! Because of her
public record and persona, readily available, as a pro-Trump Republican; a
friend of Sean Hannity’s, and a frequent guest on his Fox News program; and an
Obama Birther. Not to mention that
Tweeden herself has crafted her own professional persona as a raunchy woman, is
a former Playboy nude model, frequently appears as a scantily-clad cheesecake
model, is seen at that infamous 2006 USO show patting a male country singer on
the buttocks (the same USO show she blasted Al Franken for, alleging he
sexually abused her in a publicity photo of the kind common just a decade or
more ago, before being “woke” came into fashion), and how conveniently her 7:00
AM radio broadcast on a sports station in Los Angeles was publicized 24
hours in advance by Republican operative Roger Stone, and served the
purpose admirably of deflecting attention from 2018 Republican Alabama Senatorial
candidate and established sexual predator Roy Moore onto Democrat and outspoken
liberal Senator Al Franken! Whereupon,
Kristen Gillibrand and other incensed women Democrats formed a circular firing
squad and demanded Franken’s resignation without even a hearing, a hearing
Franken wanted and vowed to testify at!
I would say here, “woke” #metoo fell directly into a Republican trap
carefully crafted for precisely that purpose; assuring that Democrats would finish
the dirty work already undertaken by the Republicans! Such naïvete, if it can be called that, and
not horribly misplaced sanctimoniousness, among supposed political
professionals, is indeed stupid. As is
the assumption, automatically assumed, that women themselves can never lie,
dissemble, be partisan or opportunistic, or disingenuously shade the truth to
make commonplaces for the time direct symbols of egregious guilt in these
present “woke” times. And of course,
without giving Franken the opportunity to say anything in his defense or in explanation. Such is indeed on par with the request made
to a woman author to write an essay on “The Feminist Case against Due Process”
(the woman writer, to her credit, turned down this assignment, and instead
spoke out for freedom of speech and not automatic guilt-by-association).
Unfortunately, our feminist “left,”
like so much of what passes for “leftism” nowadays, clamors for “safe spaces”
away from controversy and anything that might give “offense,” such as any
views, no matter how polite or humanist in their expression (e.g., inclusive of
both men as well as women, or pointing out the vulnerabilities that men
themselves also face in their socially-stereotyped roles as “providers,” in
being emotionally “stoic,” the rampant discrimination against males in divorce
court and in child-custody matters, as women are automatically stereotyped as
“better” because they’re more “maternal,” etc.) is frequently subjected to
shouting-down, hostile and even violent counter-demonstrations, and other
manifestations of what can only be called “left” thuggery and hooliganism. Which is also ultimately
counterproductive. Want to give your
opponent the air of sanctity, of simply defending “free speech” against
tyrannical censorship? Simply move to
silence his/her expression of ideas and threaten and attempt to intimidate
him/her with implicit or explicit violence and rage! Why else do you think the right has been so
effective in making the “left” today look like enemies of “free speech,” of
fear of expressing “unpopular” ideas?
And really, feminists, do you think you and your causes are so
threatened by speakers merely speaking against your viewpoints, or expressing
what they might term a man’s point of view, or challenging your ideological
premises or your carefully chosen and specially picked facts? If these intimidate and scare you, feminists,
then you are indeed no match intellectually or ethically to your opponents!
this and more was brought home to me by seeing the 2016 documentary on the
Men’s Rights Movement produced and narrated by a young feminist woman, The
Red Pill. Not only does the documentary
reviewer bend over backward to be fair to both Men’s Rights advocates and their
feminist critics (though, let it be mentioned, the Men’s Rights activists, when
allowed to speak in their own words, come across not as misogynists, but as
inclusive humanists who wish to give voice to both men’s as well as women’s
concerns). But, as the film pointedly
notes, for a certain of “far left” feminists, the enemy is not
merely discrimination, or capitalism, or even class society (for in many a
“socialist” country, both gender and massive economic inequality persisted, and
even do so today), but instead, “patriarchy,” which not only has persisted
since time immemorial, is present today almost totally unchallenged, and will
persist in the future unless women become dominant, it is also males
themselves, who are automatically “oppressors.”
Whereas women are not? Not even
Margaret Thatcher, Indira Gandhi, Theresa May, or Angela Merkel? And surely it is nonsense to talk of such
heroic males and champions of all downtrodden as Eugene Debs, Bernie Sanders,
Fighting Bob Lafollette, and others as “oppressors” by simple accident of
birth! Just as it is facile in the
extreme to talk of women such as Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, Melania Trump,
Ivanka (Trump) Kushner, and by benefit of “intersectionality,” Condoleeza Rice,
Candace Owens, and the two Trump-supporting African American sisters who host
“Diamonds and Silk,” thus endearing themselves to Fox News, as all—victims of
Fortunately, a woman with
irreproachable feminist and humanistic credentials, Meryl Streep, has but it
well and succinctly. In a June 2019
interview with the magazine In Style, Streep pointedly stated:
Sometimes, I think we’re hurt. We hurt our boys by calling
something toxic masculinity. I do. And I don’t find [that] putting those two
words together … because women can be pretty fucking toxic. It’s toxic people.
We have our good angles, and we have our bad ones. I think the labels are less
helpful than what we’re trying to get to, which is a communication, direct,
between human beings. We’re all on the boat together. We’ve got to make it
And this sense of personhood, of it being not
just a matter of male vs. female, but of persons of both genders and all sexual
orientations and persuasions, trying to find their way to freedom, equality,
dignity, and respect, is the humanist essence of why I call myself a male
feminist, albeit, in some eyes, and with a sense of wryness, a “misogynist”
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